press & discography
If you are a promoter, venue manager or member of the press and need photos, bio information, or other material please visit the "press kit" page here.
Discography information, including MP3 audio clips, full lyrics, track listings and production details for all ten Trooper albums (and all 84 songs) can be found on the "the music" page here.
Contact information for trooper and the individual band members is available on the "contact" page here.
Individual bios for each band member are linked from the "the band" page here.
tour dates
Trooper shows are posted here as soon as they are confirmed. Event details are subject to change without notice and usually beyond the band's control. Always check with the venue for the most up-to-date information.

More shows to be announced here shortly...

Bob Mersereau, in 'Canada's Top 100 albums' says: "There are clubs and festivals across the country where the annual Trooper show is practically an official holiday." Indeed, virtually all of their shows are sold out. Their audience ranges from the enthusiastic teens, singing along in the front rows at their all-ages shows, to the twenty-somethings for whom Trooper has become 'Canada's #1 Party Band', to the legions of baby-boomers who grew up with the band and still come out to Raise a Little Hell.
Beyond their popularity in traditional rock venues, Trooper has become an extremely successful draw at casinos, corporate events, city and municipal fairs and festivals, and, to the delight of many non-rock fans, Canada's largest country music festivals. With a repertoire of over a dozen instantly recognizable hits in their action-packed and entertaining set, it's no surprise that Trooper can successfully perform anywhere, any time.
Read promoter testimonials from past Trooper performances here.
To inquire about booking Trooper, send an email to:
bookings [at] trooper.com
Please include detailed information about the location, size of the venue, the type of show (e.g. festival, concert, casino, fair, convention, corporate, sporting event, cabaret/night club), the date (and if that date is negotiable), estimated size of crowd, proposed cover charge, and your combined budget for professional quality band, staging, sound and lights.
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot proceed with your enquiry unless a preliminary budget is included in your information.
Have you promoted this or a similar event in the past? If so, please let us know that also.
It's important that you include your name and daytime phone number, the name of the sponsoring organization or venue, and the name and phone number of the person in charge of booking the event/venue if that is not you. You can expect a response to your enquiry within a few days.
All enquiries made to bookings [at] trooper.com are monitored by Trooper. This is the easiest, fastest, and safest way to book the band. After we have determined your booking requirements, your enquiry will be processed promptly by Trooper's national agents at The Feldman Agency.
If you send an email booking enquiry, adding "bookings@trooper.com" to your spam filter whitelist will help ensure that a response is not mis-filed.
If you don't hear back, your email was probably not received, or something went wrong with the reply. Please check your spam filter, and your return address for accuracy, and re-send.